Behold the Butternut

Many people ask about Butternut, and while rare we find them several times a year.  While marking a timber harvest in a woodland last week, I managed to take some decent photos of a typical medium-sawtimber Butternut tree, and two of it's pole-sized children.  This is a good opportunity to see the differences in bark pattern between young and old butternut trees, as well as their crown shape and growth form.  As you can see, there is a reason Butternut was never a dominant tree in our forests, it's just not as aggressive as our other species.  This specimen will be protected from harvest, as it's ecological value outweighs any timber value.



Purple Paint Guidelines from Purdue Extension

Many of us have been waiting for some official guidelines regarding the new purple paint law; now we have them:

I will likely begin using purple paint to mark boundary lines for my clients in the near future.  If you have any questions give us a call or refer to this article.  I recommend using occasional signs in addition to the purple paint until the general public becomes more aware of what this all means.  I know many law enforcement agencies are still largely unaware of this law, so enforcement may be hit or miss for a while.


2018 National FFA Forestry Competition

In case you didn't know, the best of the best FFA students from around the country are having a national competition this week in Indianapolis.  I had the honor of being a judge for the forestry presentations yesterday, and they never cease to impress me.   Keep up the good work and have fun at Morgan-Monroe today!